Monday, April 11, 2011

The Yakima Hamfest

The Yakima Hamfest. What’s that you say, a hamfest? Well, that’s where a bunch of amateur radio operators get together to visit, swap stories, and buy and sell electronic equipment. Amateur radio operators go by the nickname of “hams”, hence the term hamfest. Really, hamfests are like any swap meet -- with food that’s not good for you and good conversation with old friends, and a lot of used electronics for trade or sale - electronics that may or may not work and you take your chances. There are often technical lectures on radio wave propagation, antennas, licensing, radio operating techniques, and emergency procedures. Hams are known for their help in providing emergency communication services when all the usual services like telephone, cell phone, and the internet are out of order.

Yakama hosts this hamfest every year and it was held this last Saturday. We left Spokane at 2:30 am Saturday to drive there to arrive two hours before it opened to the public. That was so we could see all the good deals before the masses flocked in the doors. The event was held at the Saleh Community Center just outside Yakima. The marquee sign outside the center announced the event; and as it rotated through its display cycle it also announced upcoming yoga classes, quilting and macramé days, and other equally (exciting) events.


When the doors opened to the public at 9:00 half the folks turned right and made a bee-line to the cafeteria for the heart stopper breakfast of ham and deep fat fried eggs, and the tooth straightening coffee. The rest of the crowd funneled into the main hall where rows of tables were set up with all sort of used and new electronic equipment, parts and cables and books. The hall was soon full of hams visiting and haggling over prices.

Some tables overflowed with ancient radio equipment some of it dating back to World War II, and surely not in working order. Some hams like to restore old equipment and even those old radios got some attention. Some of the more modern equipment came with verbal guarantees, “it worked the last time I checked it.” It’s apparently best to avoid those “last time I checked it” deals. Then, some tables had equipment that looked pretty good, nice and shiny and clean. 

The hamfest was scheduled to last well into the afternoon. Folks made the rounds from table to table and back again and again. Sometimes the prices would go down as the day wore on and the sellers got  more desperate not to have to carry their wares home again.  By mid-day most folks were carrying out their newly found treasures. Out went huge antennas, books, radios, and sometimes gear they had no idea what it was but looked interesting. 

It was a funny thing – you could see the satisfaction at getting a “good deal” on almost every face. Even so, I’ll bet I see a lot of that same stuff on the tables again next year.  

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